Ain't No Rock and Roll

Five Times August's anti-woke anthem "Ain't No Rock And Roll" reaches 1 million views on X.

Canada: a whole new level of FUBAR

Recent News

No free speech in Canada ...

Feds quash debate into widespread church arsons, vandalism. The federal government struck down a motion Tuesday that would have condemned over 80 church arsons in Canada since 2021. Conservative MP Arnold Viersen desired swift condemnation from the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Committee in a call for justice but received none. He urged the committee to "condemn the arson attacks of over 80 churches across Canada [...] and reaffirm freedom of religion and assembly."
Two Calgary men charged for conversation on transit en route to 1 Million March 4 Children. The men allegedly “interfered with the comfort of an unknown transit user” while on their way to Calgary’s 1 Million March 4 Children protest on Saturday.
University of New Brunswick philosophy department cancels Christian lecture. The University of New Brunswick philosophy department was apparently so scared to be outed as a department that leaned conservative and Christian that they canceled a planned lecture featuring a conservative Christian.
Trudeau pulls carbon tax from home heating oil as poll numbers plunge in Atlantic Canada. Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, who has consistently called for the government to remove the carbon tax entirely, said this was a climb down based entirely on polls
St. Lawrence seaway strike blocking prairie grain shipments ahead of winter. First it was West Coast labour strife that was backing up Prairie grain shipments. Now a similar dispute in Eastern Canada is threatening to block agricultural exports from Thunder Bay to the Atlantic coast.
As inflation pressures grow, Bank of Canada execs take home millions in bonuses. Documents uncovered by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation show that all but two of the BoC's 82 executives received 'performance pay' in 2022.
UK government stats show alarming increase in teenage deaths after four vaccinations. Data released by the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed higher mortality rates per 100,000 in teenagers and young adults who received the COVID-19 vaccine.
Hundreds of Canadians Have Been Debanked In The Last Five Years. A sweeping de-banking wave has swept across Canada, affecting over 800 citizens in its tide since 2018, a number which includes hundreds who rallied behind the banner of the Freedom Convoy.

Canada is broken

Global conspiracy headquartered in Geneva

WHO worse than a drug cartel

Canada's civil liberties have been seriously damaged

Lawyers Christine Van Geyn and Joanna Baron of the Canadian Constitution Foundation have authored a new book, “Pandemic Panic: How Canadian Government Responses to COVID-19 Changed Civil Liberties Forever,” which explores COVID-era legal cases and the lasting impact of pandemic policies on Canadian law. They joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss.

Read more about the new book: Rule by Emergency Decree is Not the Rule of Law.

Scrap the carbon tax for everyone

Kris Sims from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Not much help ...

Shredding the extremist net-zero ideology

The decline of the French language in Quebec?

Canada set to legalize MAID for drug addicts

When Canada expands doctor-assisted suicide — or medical assistance in dying (MAID) — next year to people whose sole condition is that they struggle from severe mental illness, it is looking increasingly likely that the government will also allow people who are addicted to drugs to qualify as well. Many have described this latest dystopian move in Canada’s increasingly expanding MAID regime as eugenics. As the government appears to make every effort possible to make it easier for Canadians to get addicted to dangerous drugs and to keep them addicted to drugs, the government is now opening the door to letting them take their own lives at the hands of the state. We are rapidly descending the slippery slope of doctor-assisted suicide in this country.
Tune into the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner:

The Outer Limits of Liberalism — What happens when a society takes individualism to its logical conclusion? David Brooks, The Atlantic.
"When a fellow member of the procession is in despair, is suffering, is thinking about ending their life, we don’t provide a syringe. We say: The world has not stopped asking things of you. You still have gifts to give, merely by living among us. Your life still sends ripples outward, in ways you do and do not see. Don’t go. We know you need us. We still need you."

Failure of academia

In case you are not able to see the tweet on Twitter, Dr. Simon Goddek @goddeketal wrote:

I obtained my PhD from one of the best universities in the world, but eventually lost my position there for questioning how the Covid PCR protocol publication managed to pass the peer-review process in less than one day.
To phrase it differently, this scenario is like your 90 years old grandmother challenging Usain Bolt to a 100m race and beating him by several seconds. The likelihood of this occurring is zero. Imagine that all sports experts would mock you if you contested the result, even though the facts are clear.
The same scenario played out across all global 'elite universities.' Despite the availability of facts and data, no institution dared to analyze them and draw conclusions that diverged from the political mainstream.
The paramount question is why did not a single 'elite university' dare to remark that:

▪️These Covid vaccines are 'gene therapies.'
▪️These gene therapy vaccines contain bacterial DNA contamination, which has led to cancer in other gene therapy trials.
▪️These gene therapies do not prevent infection.
▪️These gene therapies do not halt the 'spread.'
▪️These gene therapies have not been shown to have any clinical benefit.
▪️These gene therapies have caused the most confirmed direct deaths in the history of any medical product.
▪️These gene therapies do cause serious adverse events (SAEs) at a rate of at least 1 in 800, and are based on a sequence that has never been validated.
▪️These gene therapies are solely a reaction to the PCR test pandemic fraud of 2020.
▪️These gene therapies contain highly inflammatory liposomal nanoparticles (LNPs).
▪️These gene therapies did not stop excess mortality.

So what are these 'elite universities' actually good for? Indoctrination? Creating modern slaves burdened with tens or hundreds of thousands in tuition fees?
One thing is for sure - schools and universities are no longer bastions of critical thinking, but rather tools of the elite to avoid critical thinkers. Those who think critically are weeded out, like me, while those who constantly support the current narrative are promoted to professorships.
Brave new world!

Another government gun ban

Bill C-21: A Second Hunting Rifle Ban. Premiered on YouTube October 19, 2023. Rachel Dancho in the House of Commons.

Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of Canadian hunters, farmers, and sports shooters who got organized and made their voices heard, the Liberals had to back down from their first hunting rifle ban. But they replaced it with a second, sneakier one.

Investors pulling out of green stocks

Ask yourself why.

Pfizer hid oncogenic information from regulators

"The polyomavirus Simian Virus 40, an oncogenic DNA virus, was previously removed from polio vaccines due to concerns about a link to cancers. Dr. Janci Lindsay, the director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, said plasmid DNA sequences, such as the SV40 enhancer, could be oncogenic and contribute to causing cancers. They hid them. So it's not just the fact that they're there, it's the fact that they were purposefully hidden from the regulators"

Full article is here.

Pro-Palestine protesters hate Justin Trudeau

On the latest episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner speaks with the pro-Palestine protesters to get their side of the story.

What "Decolonization" actually means

Watch the latest episode of Ratio'd with Harrison Faulkner.
Over the past week, we have heard academics, politicians and activists justify the Hamas attacks in Israel in the name of "decolonization". This is an alarming trend seeing as how these exact same people routinely use the word 'decolonization' whenever they talk about issues involving Indigenous Canadians. As some have pointed out, when these activists say that 'decolonization' is necessary in Canada and that Hamas' actions in Israel is also 'decolonization,' Canadians must wake up to what is actually being endorsed and the dangers that it presents to Canadians.

Tasha Kheiriddin: The 'decolonization' movement will condemn us to the brutality of our past. Lumping Israelis and Palestinians into the false dichotomy of colonizer and colonized, as Ontario NDP MPP Sarah Jama did, only serves to perpetuate division and violence

Howard Anglin: What did you think they meant by ‘decolonization’ anyway? Just as Parliament’s recent reminder of the complexities of the Eastern Front and the existence of “literal Nazis” gave Canadians reason to reconsider our casual use of that term in day-to-day debate, perhaps the live-streaming of a 21st century pogrom will make our leaders and our media think twice before blithely tossing around words like “racist” and “hate” to describe merely disapproved beliefs.

Watch out for the Warmongers

Every Canadian should watch this video and consider the influence of money on war and politics.

Likewise, Canadians are vulnerable right here in Canada. Are our Federal leaders protecting the interests of Canada? Wisdom and long term thinking are essential.