Covid Collateral

A groundbreaking new documentary film from producer Vanessa Dylyn, Matter of Fact Media. Release date: spring 2024.

Covid Collateral is an investigative documentary which reveals that the severe lockdowns imposed by western governments were not driven by scientific consensus or accurate data. Instead, important scientific debate which would have served the public good, was shut down. For more information visit Covid Collateral.

Canada is FUBAR

Trudeau to put 500,000 Illegals on path to citizenship

Earlier this week a group of radical activists from the Migrant Rights Network urged the Trudeau government to grant amnesty to up to 500,000 illegal immigrants in Canada and put them on the path to citizenship. This follows reports from December that the government was planning to pursue a regularization plan for illegals. In 2021, a ministerial directive from Trudeau’s office to the Immigration minister directed that a similar plan be laid out. Nobody wants this in Canada. There is no mandate for such an outrageous decision which would undermine Canada’s immigration system. But the truth is, Trudeau’s Liberal government doesn’t actually care what you think when it comes to immigration. They are ideologically committed to population growth by any means necessary.

Watch the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.

Alberta charter schools are booming

Today on the Alberta Roundup with Rachel Emmanuel, Rachel interviews Caylan Ford, the founder of three classical academy charter schools in Alberta. Ford explains how her charter schools operate differently from regular public schools by prioritizing lessons that have stood the test of time. She also speaks about the damage being done to children in some public schools, and explains how concerned parents can express their interest in opening a charter school.

Creeping Extremism of the Khalistan movement in Canada

Veteran CBC journalist and author Terry Milewski joins Harrison Faulkner to unpack the Khalistan movement that has taken a major grip on Canadian politics recently. Milewski is the author of Blood for Blood: 50 years of the Global Khalistan movement and has been studying the Khalistan movement in Canada since the 1980s. Milewski explains how Khalistani activists have managed to control aspects of Canadian politics and use political power to agitate and foment anti-India sentiment.

Watch the latest episode of The Faulkner Show.

Solar X Flare Active Region Returns

From Astronomy Picture of the Day:

The famous active region on the Sun that created auroras visible around the Earth earlier this month has survived its rotation around the far side of the Sun -- and returned. Yesterday, as it was beginning to reappear on the Earth-facing side, the region formerly labeled AR 3664 threw another major solar flare, again in the highest-energy X-class range. The featured video shows the emerging active region on the lower left, as it was captured by NASA's Earth-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory yesterday in ultraviolet light. The video is a time-lapse of the entire Sun rotating over 24 hours. Watch the lower-left region carefully at about the 2-second mark to see the powerful flare burst out. The energetic particles from that flare and associated CME are not expected to directly impact the Earth and trigger impressive auroras, but scientists will keep a close watch on this unusually active region over the next two weeks, as it faces the Earth, to see what develops.

Opiod crisis and Canadian youth

Oil emissions cap would cost Canada billions

Canadians speak out against Trudeau’s attack on John A. Macdonald

The Canadian government finally reopened the Bellevue House National Historic Site in Kingston, Ontario last week and Harrison Faulkner went to go check it out. To nobody’s surprise, this monument to our nation’s founder is hardly a monument. Instead, it is full of anti-Macdonald and anti-Canadian propaganda. After being closed for six years, the Trudeau government reopened the museum to make sure it complies with Justin Trudeau’s approved version of Canadian history – that we must feel ashamed of ourselves and constantly apologize for historical wrongs. Faulkner decided to hit the streets of Kingston and speak with locals about what they think of the constant attacks on John A. Macdonald’s legacy. Watch what they have to say on the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.

Prince Edward Islanders speak out against foreign student protesters

On this episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner speaks with residents of Prince Edward Island to share their perspectives on the rapid demographic shift on the island and how mass immigration has made life worse. Islanders are most concerned about housing and available jobs for their families, however there is also concern about the changing culture in PEI as well. New protesters who joined the protest also speak with Harrison about why they support the foreign student protest, who are demanding permanent residency.

UCP pressures Smith to change Covid vax policy

Rachel interviews United Conservative Party board president Rob Smith about why the board is urging Alberta Premier Danielle Smith to change the province’s Covid-19 vaccine policy. Smith says doctors must be forthcoming with parents about all the possible impacts of the Covid-19 vaccine, and that the board has already raised their concerns with the premier. The interview comes ahead of an event warning of the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccine hosted by the Calgary-Lougheed UCP constituency association.

Watch Alberta Roundup with Rachel Emmanuel.

Foreign protesters suffer meltdown after receiving criticism

Harrison Faulkner went to Charlottetown, P.E.I to report on the ongoing Indian student protest taking place in the city. For over a week, protesters have been demanding that they be given permanent residency in the province after P.E.I changed their rules to try and slow down the population growth of the province.

After a viral episode of Ratio’d on Monday about the protest, Harrison decided to follow up his reporting by going to the protest and speaking with the demonstrators. It didn’t take long before things fell off the rails and protesters had a meltdown upon seeing him.

Watch Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.

Trudeau's inflationary spending punishes Canadians

Indian students protest against deportation from Canada

International students, who are no longer eligible for postgraduate work permits and will be slated for deportation from Canada, are now protesting in large numbers against provincial and federal governments to let them stay in the country. New rules put in place by the P.E.I government last year means that permits are only being given to students with qualifications in construction and healthcare.

The reality is, Canada does not need anymore service workers. There are too many temporary residents in Canada and even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has acknowledged that. However, when this exact same protest happened in Manitoba a few months ago, the federal government granted the students a 2-year extension. Will the same thing happen again in P.E.I or will these people have to go back home?

Watch Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.

Rest in peace Rex

A true friend to Alberta

Exploring London, Ontario

Harrison Faulkner went to London, Ontario to investigate ground zero of Canada’s “safe supply” drug experiment. In 2016, London became the first city to have an official safe supply facility. And now, the situation is horrible — boarded up buildings, encampments throughout the city and open drug use. Are these programs really “saving lives” as we are told by the activists who believe in these programs or is the opposite happening? How bad of a problem is the diversion of these “safe supply” opioids? Harrison investigates these questions by speaking to local politicians, doctors and residents to find out more.

Watch Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner of True North.

The Great Replacement is real

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is corrupt

Smith’s pitch for highspeed rail

Today on the Alberta Roundup with Rachel Emmanuel, Rachel interview the Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayer Federation Kris Sims about the Alberta government’s proposal for a highspeed railway to connect the province. Rachel wonder if anyone is asking for this railway plan and how useful it would be. Kris says the Taxpayers Federation is trying to find out more about the cost. The two also discuss when fuel tax relief and the government’s promised income tax reduction will be implemented. Finally, Kris reveals the big winners of the Taxpayer Federation’s Teddy Waste Awards.

Watch The Alberta Roundup with Rachel Emmanuel.

The UofT anti-Israel occupation

Harrison Faulkner investigated the UofT campus anti-Israel occupation last week to see what exactly was going on. Despite the tent encampment obviously breaking several laws, campus police have permitted the occupation to remain in tact. The reasons as to why this has been allowed to go on for so long are unknown. The occupiers are strictly enforcing border measures of their territory and have set in place strict messaging control, only allowing media liaisons to speak to the press. When True North was finally let into the encampment, we were under the close supervision of a “media escort” who followed us everywhere we went and told us not to film any faces. That was easy because everyone inside the encampment was masked as if it was 2021.

It's unknown how many were actual UofT students.

Watch Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.

Desperate Liberals conjure up the Diagolon boogeyman

In a desperate attempt to save themselves, the Liberals have once again deployed the boogeyman of "Diagolon" to attack Pierre Poilievre. Nothing that is said about this fictitious meme group by the Liberal government or the legacy media is true. Despite well documented and sourced reporting point to the fact that this is a fake group made of dissidents, the Liberals can't let it go. They need something to stick but nothing seems to be working. In fact, polling has only improved for Poilievre after the Liberals tried to smear Poilievre as somehow being connected to a ficitious group which he has already denounced.

Watch Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.

SK and AB partner to advance nuclear

Poilievre kicked out of Parliament for calling Trudeau a wacko

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was ejected from the House of Commons yesterday after refusing to withdraw a comment that Justin Trudeau was a “wacko” (although he offered to replace it with “extremist” and “radical”). The pearl-clutching Liberals and journalists should be less focused on tone-policing and more on governing, True North’s Andrew Lawton says.

Plus, a new documentary, Covid Collateral, exposes the harms of lockdowns and the censorship of scientists throughout the pandemic. Filmmaker Vanessa Dylyn joins to discuss.

Plus, it’s the four year anniversary of the order-in-council that prohibited over 1500 types of firearm and promised a two year “buyback” that has so far never materialized. Rod Giltaca of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights weighs in on where things stand. Watch The Andrew Lawton Show.