Waiting to Die | Canada's Health Care Crisis

Canadian health care is in crisis. Record-long queues. Emergency rooms overwhelmed. A chronic doctor shortage that has left more than 6 million Canadians without a family physician. But what’s driving this problem? And is there a solution?

Canada: a whole new level of FUBAR

Recent News

Germany tearing down wind farm to build open-pit coal mines. One year after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shut down the idea of supplying Germany with liquified natural gas (LNG), one of the country’s largest energy companies is dismantling a wind farm to make room for an open-pit coal mine.
“I don’t make my views known”: The plight of conservative students. According to a recent Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology report, 73 per cent of academics from Canadian universities identify as “left-wing.” Further to this, 80 per cent of conservative Canadian scholars feel “hostility” towards their beliefs on campus.
LEVY: Trudeau thinks my wife and I are in danger… in Florida. Of all the absurd edicts to be issued by the Trudeau government, the recent travel advisory warning about certain non-LGBT-friendly US states takes the cake.
Canadians blast Marci Ien for saying parental rights are “life or death”. Liberal Women and Gender Equality Minister Marci Ien has elicited backlash from Canadians after she said requiring parental consent for children to use different pronouns was a “life or death” situation
Women’s rights advocate urges Conservatives to protect women’s spaces and categories at upcoming convention. A women’s rights advocate is urging the Conservative Party of Canada to support the protection of women’s spaces and categories amid them being compromised by rampant gender ideology.
A million more non-permanent residents live in Canada than official figures say, ministers told. A leading economist warned federal ministers at their cabinet retreat last week that there are around one million more non-permanent residents living in Canada, including foreign students, than government estimates suggest.
Feds promise “revised methodology” for counting non-permanent residents after discrepancy exposed. The federal government will revise its methods for counting non-permanent residents living in Canada, following a report that found there appeared to be a surplus of at least one million more of them living in the country than what official estimates claimed.
OP-ED: Falsehoods contaminate searching for the remains of murdered indigenous women. The leaders of four church denominations are urging Manitoba’s political leaders to search a landfill for the remains of two murdered women. However the chance of finding any human remains based on a scientifically flawed and self-serving feasibility study is nearly zero.
MALCOLM: True North’s reporting on the “unmarked graves” narrative has been vindicated. We pointed out that no research had been made public, and that despite the reckless irresponsible media hyperbole, no First Nation made the accusation of a “mass grave.”

Holding on to power

A warning: the left will do anything to hold onto power.

UREA-lly Piss Me Off

From Quick Dick McDick. Yes -11C is the freezing point of DEF...

Florida did a better job protecting the health of its citizens than California

What happened in Maui?

Let's call it what it is, crimes committed by the Climate Alarmist cult.

Why Covid is "back"

Stock price and they want to delay elections.

Excavation of residential school site finds nothing

An excavation at the site of a former residential school in Manitoba over the weekend has turned up no evidence of human remains after a First Nation announced the apparent discovery of remains using ground penetrating radar technology. This is the third excavation of a site that ground penetrating radar has flagged as a potential burial of Indigenous children that has turned up nothing.

Despite making baseless claims about unmarked graves in 2021 and causing a reign of terror against Christians in Canada and triggering a prolonged state of unnecessary national mourning, so far, no remains have been found in any capacity.

Read Hymie Rubenstein's OP-ED The Pine Creek Burial Boondoggle Needs Celebrating

Keeping Biological Men Out of Women's Sports

Megyn Kelly is joined by Sage Steele, former ESPN sportscaster, to talk about her decision to speak out on keeping biological men out of women's sports, the lack of women sportscasters speaking out, the focus on abortion and other issues instead, and more.

This is a 10 minute clip of the 2+ hour video. Watch the full interview on Youtube.

Katie Hopkins: More truthful news

Katie Hopkins: More truthful news: NHS targets, Leonard Bernstein's Nose and British Museum

Cost of Living in Canada

Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition have destroyed the Canadian economy.

Canadians are BREAKING DOWN under Trudeau's cost of living crisis

A viral trend is sweeping the country as Canadians, struggling to afford the basic necessities in life, are breaking down on camera over the crippling cost of living crisis. Rent, food prices, mortgage payments, gas, and electricity costs are all continuing to spiral out of control and Canadians are being pushed to their breaking points.

Hey, Let's HAY!

Something positive from Quick Dick McDick in Saskatchewan, to keep your spirits up. Shout out to Farmers!

https://quickdickmcdick.ca for Made in Canada merch!

Time to Unplug

Recent News

Former CSIS officers call for all documents to be handed over to foreign interference inquiry. Former Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) officers are calling for all transcripts and documents to be handed over to the public inquiry into alleged Chinese interference in Canadian elections, should it be officially launched.
BC father jailed for opposing daughter’s transition wins appeal. The BC father who was jailed for breaching a court publication ban by misgendering his transgender daughter has won an appeal on his six month jail sentence and the associated fine.
India’s Chandrayaan-3 lander arrives in lunar orbit. Chandrayaan-3 began a roughly 30-minute burn around 9:30 a.m. Eastern, seeing the spacecraft enter an elliptical lunar orbit, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) stated via social media.
BC teacher facing licence revocation for speaking out against residential schools narrative. Former Abbotsford School District (ASD) teacher Jim McMurtry could lose his teaching licence for speaking to students about a major cause of death at residential schools.
Rex Murphy: Trudeau carbon tax nothing more than a senseless money grab. It is a tax on carbon dioxide, a life-giving, life-enhancing element of the air we breathe. Carbon dioxide is the source and vital energy of all our Earth’s plant life — “the force that through the green fuse drives the flower” — in Dylan Thomas’ wonderful description of it.
LEVY: The TDSB’s “culture of terror” under Colleen Russell-Rawlins. Lawyer Julian Falconer called out the “culture of fear” at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) in his $1-million report in 2008.

Cancelled for challenging the “science”

During the pandemic, Canadians were told ad nauseam to “trust the science.” It didn’t matter if the rules didn’t make any sense – scientists knew best. But what happens when scientists start to challenge the “science?” That’s exactly what Dr. Simon Goddek did.

Dr. Goddek is a biotechnologist, author, researcher, entrepreneur, and citizen journalist, 2023 Brownstone Fellow and the CEO of Sunfluencer. Dr. Goddek was fired from various universities in Europe during the pandemic for publishing an academic paper on how Vitamin D could potentially treat Covid. He challenged the Covid narrative and as a result, his life changed forever. Dr. Goddek joined The Rupa Subramanya Show to share his story.

ON TAPE: DEI instructor bullied Richard Bilkszt

The family of long-time Toronto principal Richard Bilkszto claims his death was caused by a series of anti-racism training sessions led by Kike Ojo-Thompson of the KOJO Institute. Bilkszto’s story has become world wide news.

Last week, journalists Rupa Subramanya and Ari Blaff released exclusively obtained audio tapes of the Diversity Equity and Training sessions, in which Ojo-Thompson is heard telling the audience of Toronto principals that Canada is more racist than the United States and that Canada is a bastion of white supremacy. Bilkszto challenged Ojo-Thompson’s outrageous statements and for that, it appears he was singled out and bullied by Ojo-Thompson in front of his peers. Bilkzsto became persona non grata for the crime of challenging an anti-racism professional.

Watch today's episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner

Trudeau says the housing crisis isn’t his problem

On the Andrew Lawton show: Trudeau says the housing crisis isn’t his problem (ft. Scott Aitchison).

Earlier this week, Justin Trudeau claimed that housing doesn’t fall under the purview of the federal government, essentially absolving himself of the matter. The statement comes after years of campaigning on the issue, and promises to fix Canada’s housing system. Conservative MP and housing critic Scott Aitchison joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss some of the factors driving the housing crisis, and whether or not it should be considered a federal responsibility.

The climate alarmists are out in full force

It seems like every weather event these days is being blamed on climate change. Everything from tornados and thunderstorms to dogs being locked in hot cars, the climate alarmists want us to believe the sole culprit is climate change. But is this really the case?

On the The Rupa Subramanya Show, Rupa is joined by Ross McKitrick. McKitrick is a Professor of Economics and CBE Fellow in Sustainable Commerce at the University of Guelph where he specializes in environment, energy and climate policy. Rupa and McKitrick discuss recent weather events, how climate alarmism is at an all-time high, the implementation of carbon taxes and much more.

Trump, Andrew Neil & Oil Licenses - what's the real story?

Katie Hopkins: TRUMP. ANDREW NEIL & OIL LICENSES. What's the real story? ... Communications Context.